Hurricane Electric’s International Internet backbone is ranked among the top in the world. Connections ranging from multiple 10GigE (10,000 Mbps) to multiple 100GigE (100 Gbps) form rings connecting Hurricane core routers.
Our self-healing network architecture virtually eliminates a single point of failure. Unlike other backbones, we aggressively connect to Internet exchange points and privately interconnect in each local market to local networks to ensure that your data will arrive via the shortest possible routes. On an ongoing basis, we are negotiating with the top fiber carriers for new shorter routes, and we are signing on new customer and peering relationships.
Hurricane Electric connects to PIT-IX via a 10Gbps uplink (with an additional 2x10Gbps pending install), peers with the route servers, and is directly connected to the core exchange switch at DataBank PIT1. They have donated the 3x Arista LR optics used to connect on the exchange side, as well as a spare for PIT-IX to keep on-hand as a spare.
For more information about Hurricane Electric’s products and services, please visit